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Galleon Wealth Management

Fixed income optimization opportunities

Over the past few months, the Fed has made it clear, both in word and deed, that controlling runaway inflation is its top priority. Unfortunately, the Fed's series of rate hikes didn't help traditionally balanced portfolios while hurting stocks and bonds - a historic rarity. Not only are interest rates rising, but they are [...]

Fixed income optimization opportunities2023-12-25T06:00:01-05:00

Alternatives to the 401(k) That Your Employer Isn’t Offering Anyway

Saving for retirement is easy and simple if you have a 401(k) plan while you work. But what if your employer doesn't offer a pension plan? Or, what if you are self-employed? Fortunately, you have options for saving for retirement. 2 options designed for all investors Consider contributing to a Traditional IRA or Roth [...]

Alternatives to the 401(k) That Your Employer Isn’t Offering Anyway2023-12-25T05:53:37-05:00

Retirement Planning Optimization: ROTH, Traditional, or Both?

Tax season is here and you can still contribute for 2021, but you may be wondering where to pay your dues. When it comes to IRAs, you have two main types to choose from – Roth and traditional. Making that choice - and knowing when and how much you can contribute - isn't always [...]

Retirement Planning Optimization: ROTH, Traditional, or Both?2023-12-25T05:54:28-05:00

Questions About Social Security

For most Americans, Social Security is an important source of retirement income. In fact, the Social Security Administration (SSA) reports that Social Security benefits make up about 33% of a retiree's income. * Many people see when to start taking Social Security as an easy decision — and unsurprisingly, many choose to enroll as [...]

Questions About Social Security2023-12-25T05:55:40-05:00

The investors dilemma: overreacting to inflation

Many investors are concerned about the possibility of a recession. Typically, with talk of a recession comes the thoughts of withdrawing money from the stock market and placing it elsewhere. This can result in capital losses, and later, when the stock market recovers, investors regret selling their stocks out of panic. This article [...]

The investors dilemma: overreacting to inflation2023-12-25T05:56:40-05:00

Develop a successful college savings strategy

If your baby has already turned three, and you still have not created a college tuition strategy, you are not alone, but you are losing out. While many parents neglect the first few years of their child’s financial life, early college savers enjoy a longer period of compounding growth. When you consider that college tuition [...]

Develop a successful college savings strategy2024-04-24T13:33:42-04:00

Social Security Retirement Income Optimization

What comes to mind when you hear the words "social security benefits"? Maybe you're curious about the future of Social Security or worried about its availability when you start claiming it. Some of my clients wonder why we bother to incorporate this into their financial plans. While there have been some disturbing headlines, I'm [...]

Social Security Retirement Income Optimization2023-12-25T05:58:20-05:00

IRA Tax Optimization

Recently, many of my clients have come to me with questions about converting to a Roth IRA. Moving money from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA (often referred to as the “pay taxes now or later” debate) presents some complications. It's also irreversible, so it's understandable that many investors struggle to make the [...]

IRA Tax Optimization2023-12-25T05:59:08-05:00
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